time restricted eating

Tools to Increase Success Rates of IVF with PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertility in females. The hormonal imbalances experienced by women with PCOS prevent ovulation from occurring at all. Without ovulation, pregnancy cannot occur without the use of fertility treatments. Others experience irregular menstrual cycles, which makes it challenging to know when ovulation is occurring and when the woman is most fertile.

There are a variety of fertility treatment options, but those who struggle with fertility often end up pursuing in vitro fertilization.

Intermittent Fasting/Time-Restricted Eating & PCOS

Last week, I listened to Dr. Aviva Romm’s On Health podcast episode on intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating (which she refers to as time-based eating). On the podcast, she talks about how helpful she has found time-based eating to be for her female clients. Many years ago, I tried time-based eating as part of a “body composition challenge” being offered at my crossfit gym, and I found it to be pretty horrible for me! If I recall correctly, I think I started with 12 hours of fasting with a 12-hour feeding window (this is a VERY liberal feeding window for this kind of fasting) or perhaps it was 14 fasting, 10 eating. I’m not sure! In either case, it was not as long of a fasting period as is generally recommended, and it was pure torture for me. As I was anxiously awaiting the start of my feeding window, I was full-on “hangry” and couldn’t focus on anything.