
20 Quick and Easy Ideas for PCOS-Friendly Snacks

If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you likely have at least some degree of insulin resistance that is driving your PCOS symptoms. Nutrition and lifestyle changes can be highly effective at improving insulin sensitivity, which will also improve PCOS symptoms like acne, irregular periods, excessive facial and body hair, hair thinning, and weight gain.

Many of the snacks we've often been told are healthy (a piece of fruit, a granola bar, a handful of crackers, or low-fat yogurt with added sugars) are actually not that great for women with PCOS. All of them are "naked carbs," carbs eaten on their own, which will cause blood sugar spikes and worsen insulin resistance. They will also lead to blood sugar crashes a couple of hours later, and this low blood sugar will tell your brain to eat some more to bring your blood sugar levels back up. This blood sugar rollercoaster often leads to eating more food than you actually need.

So let's talk about what makes up a good snack!