My Story

When I was 13 years old, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. I was put on synthetic progesterone, and later, birth control pills and was told that if I ever wanted to get pregnant, I would need IVF. I was never counseled on lifestyle changes or provided any other options.

After noticing that my symptoms decreased while following a paleo-ish diet, I decided to look into other options. It took years to finally successfully come off of birth control pills, and I am still continuously updating how I manage my PCOS based on the evolution of my body and hormones over time and based on current research. You can read more about my personal experiences with PCOS in my blog.

While trying to manage my PCOS holistically, I realized that there was a lack of help out there for women like me. My doctors were unable (and in one case, completely unwilling) to support my quest for holistic treatment. Fortunately for me, I have a strong background in research and statistical analysis, so I was able to dig into the scientific literature, and help myself. Not all women have this background.

That’s where this site and my services come in.

I have spent 13 years working as a professor at the University of Florida. I have won awards for my research, mentoring, and teaching. And now I’m putting those skills to work to help other women manage PCOS on their own terms.

I’d love to help you. Please explore my site and see how I can best serve and empower you or use the link below to schedule a free introductory call with me.

My cycle has been completely regular since I started working with you. It hasn’t been that way in 15 years, so I completely credit that to you.
— PCOS Client
Her approach is not only knowledgeable but also compassionate, making the journey towards healthier eating an enjoyable one.
— Women's Health Client

Kelly’s Background


Nutrition Therapy Master Certification, Nutrition Therapy Institute, 2023

Working Against Gravity Certified Nutrition Coach, 2023

300 Hour Advanced Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Jason Crandall, 2021

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Sanctuary Yoga, 2018

PhD, Food and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, 2010

MS, Food and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, 2006

BA, Economics and Environmental Studies, Dartmouth College, 2005


Holistic nutrition therapist, 2022 - present

Yoga Instructor, 2018 - present

Associate Professor, Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida, 2017 - present

Assistant Professor, Food and Resource Economics, University of Florida, 2010 - 2017