Spicy Cacao Cold Foam


1 oz. whipping cream (2 tbsp)
1/2 tbsp cacao powder (I like this one from Natierra)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/16 tsp cayenne (this is specific! I’m sorry! A dash is about right. You can always add more if you decide it’s not spicy enough)


  1. Place all ingredients in a small bowl. Using a hand-held milk frother (I use this one), froth until the mixture starts to hold ripples. Don’t over froth or you will have a blob of cream instead of a smooth layer. (The blob will still be delicious, but it won’t gradually incorporate into your coffee.)

  2. Add a few cubes of ice to your favorite glass. Add 8 - 12 oz. of your favorite cold unsweetened coffee beverage. Pour cold foam on top. Sprinkle some extra cinnamon or cacao powder on top if you’re feeling fancy.

  3. Enjoy!

Serves 1

Nutrition Facts (excluding your choice of coffee)

Calories: 128
Total fat: 11g
Total carbs: 6g
Total sugar: 3.3 (added sugar: 2.2g)
Protein: 1.2g
Notable vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin A: 11%
Magnesium: 10%